Registration for our 16th season – NOW OPEN!
We have been actively working with the Alberta Dance Educators Association and the Alberta Government to develop a phased approach to reopening in-person services for dance studios. We have developed a clear
Safe Studio Plan (click here to review it) to address operating changes, precautionary measures, and policy adjustments to facilitate the safety of our community. Over the summer we will be making any necessary changes to our facility and procedures to ensure they comply with the highest health.
Due to the current uncertainty and to respect distancing regulations, we are moving to a NEW REGISTRATION PROCESS and to an ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM.
We sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these changing time

To register:
Placement in a class will only be guaranteed once the FORM, the REGISTRATION FEE (for full year classes), the COVID-19 WAIVER and the PAYMENT are received.
Due to new COVID-19 measures class sizes will be limited, so register early to guarantee your spots!
For any questions and inquires please send us an email at:
or call us at:
2020 – 2021 Season information
Price Information
Timetable 2020-2021
PAD Form
Safer Studio Guidelines
Safer Studio Checklists